A Land Not To Visit


Days from a place called Here lie a small island called Nowhere, no larger than a few milesAlways warm, always breezy was this button of great greens, but it didn’t have anyone running through its wavesIt was a perfect paradise left still and lifeless. But Here was a monster compared the island, large and crowded with the last of humanity. Yet, everyone knew not to the leave to Nowhere, which suddenly appeared after the apocalypseSunny death they called it. 

That was until Piper wandered onto a glass bottle on the shore, with the words ‘Help written on a paper slid into it. So, she decided she would. She stole one of the few rusty boats left and set to sailStep on the island as she did, Piper heard a voice call out to her.  

“Are you here for me?” It asked. 


As soon as Piper turned around to look, Nowhere was once again still and lifeless. 


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