Positive, Neutral and Negative Connotations- Mask


Just when I decided to give up looking for the grocery store and walk back home, my eyes drifted across the street to a boy. All it took was him looking up for me to recognize my old friend, a friend I hadn't spoken to for a year. I wasn't about to start now. 

I took a step forward, trying to avoid eye contact, but my right foot landed on nothing but air. My ankle twisted onto the rugged road sending me falling back-first onto the floor. The eyes I had been trying to avoid snapped to me, but there was no recognition in them. He couldn't see my face turn a deep red before I got off the road and limped my way home, all thanks to the mask. 



She walked out the door, into the beaming sun in her balcony. As she looked around her half dead plants she forgot to water, her phone rang. 

"Hello?" She sighed into her phone, rubbing sleep out of her eyes.

"Hey, you wanna' go for a ride?" Her friend spoke, "I'm outside"

"Sure, yeah, I'll be there in ten" She said, grabbing her mask to wear and walking out her main door to meet a friend she had been missing for weeks.


They spent the last two months craving to see each other's faces and hear their voices without a screen and the internet having to help them, and today they thought they finally would. They boarded buses from miles away from each other just to spend the afternoon together. Finally, after nearly an hour of travel and anticipation, their stare met each other.

Walking closer they realized that’s all they would get because thanks to their masks they would have to spend this afternoon trying to hear muffled voices and wondering how their smiles looked behind the piece of cloth.


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